Why Am I Doing A Blog?

Please feed the fish.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Picture For Your Eternal Joy, And Maybe Some Rant

This, my friends, is a hula hooping goth.

He is making me feel considerably very much better about the fact that I have absolutely no ideas as to what to do for my EPQ, only half the money to get to Cambridge, and my mother knows my password for everything.  Sighhhhh....

A goth hula-hooping means that the world is a good place.  You're welcome.

Monday, January 3, 2011

On Feeling An Urge For Writing, But Not Being Able To Do Much About It

For those of you who haven't already figured it out, I rather enjoy writing fiction.
My current work involves pirates, and has been dubbed "pirate porn" by my counterparts.
But enough about that.
I haven't been able to write anything for about three months now.
Which is depressing beyond words.
And now I'm starting to get a bit of an urge to witter about pirates and battles and parrots and crap, but everytime I realise "Ooooh, this could be good, type this up!" I also realise "Oh, fuck, history/english/ct/socio homework!" and without fail I will proceed to do neither.
So I might just block out all thoughts of the fact that I am 96 words of an essay which has a deadline of wednesday morning (it now being monday night) and actually write something I enjoy writing about.
I actually don't think it would be such a bad idea.
I need a bit of a break from writing non-fiction anyway.
I'm attempt to ramble here.
Which is usually achievable to the first degree.
But I actually can't.
I now feel totally uninspired.