Why Am I Doing A Blog?

Please feed the fish.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

According To The World Around Me...

Today is supposed to be the day when girls propose to their boyfriends rather than the other way around.
There are lots and lots and lots of reasons why this is completely absurd.
1) It's just not feminist. 
Don't laugh. I have the same issue withValentine's, in a roundabout sort of way. Though I do grow more attached to Valentine's, if only because I now have a far more excellent boyfriend than I have ever had before.  Anyway.  It is an excuse.  Quite frankly, us girls are completely capable of proposing to our boyfriends every day of the week, never mind once every four bloody years.  This makes it a darn sight worse than Valentine's, because at least the mandatory romance, which should be whenever we damn well please, is annually.  NOT SO for women proposing.
2) It looks desperate.
This is, by no means, an attempt to discourage women proposing. However, if you have waited and waited for your man to propose, it's just going to look like you got bored and a bit desperate and decided to hurry shit along.  It can be misconstrued.  This is, obviously, down to the fact that we are still lumbered with the prejudices that were placed upon us by our forefathers (as demonstrated in my mother's not allowing me to go out after dark on my own anymore because there is ONE fella with a knife wreaking havoc).
3) What the HELL are you supposed to propose with?!
I have proposed to a man before. (Sorry, Ellie, but wait for the explanation before you freak!)  It was Year Eleven and my boyfriend of the time was flatly refusing to go to prom (something he regrets, apparently. Asshole.) so I asked my friend, who had not come out at the time but was REALLY OBVIOUSLY GAY (sorry Aaron) if he would go with me.  I did this by proposing with a box of jaffa cakes, which worked marvellously.  We got a bit matchy and everything.  However.  Jaffa cakes are unlikely to work with a serious proposal.  So the HELL are you supposed to do?  Tradition from the male side would dictate a diamond ring.  There are several problems, both generally and personally, with this idea.  Men tend to not wear diamond rings; diamond rings are fucking expensive; I don't actually like diamonds.  And men tend not to wear more than one ring on a finger at any given moment.  So the whole engagement thing would be lost.  I have heard tell of proposals with watches, necklaces etc, but for me it doesn't feel the same.  I may be just reverting to my unromantic default though.  Opinions of the few who read this blog please!

Friday, February 24, 2012

I Have A Shitload Of Work To Do

But I'm starting to get all panicked and short of breath so I am going to take five minutes out of work to do this and calm down a lot.

I think the best option is to list all the good things that are happening at the moment, because there are also bad things but I like the good things better and so let's have those instead.

1) My English coursework is MUCH better than all of my previous coursework, and shows GREAT PROMISE.
2) I actually had a pretty darned good Valentine's Day, which is shocking for lots of reasons.  Some good ones are that I got post it notes for leaving gooey sentimental messages for each other hidden in each other's rooms. So far I have hidden them in his pocket and under his pillow, and he got all melty which was the desired effect.  I also got a shitload of chocolate and a rose, which is just adorable.
3) I get to see my whole family next week, which is total bliss because I love them all (it's for a rubbish reason, but we're not focussing on that).
4) My boyfriend is a complete miracle, for more reasons than I will ever be able to fit into one blog post.  He does cracking cheese on toast and rubbish pancakes, he has more patience with me than I really deserve, he understands all the mildly geeky things I say and none of the uber geek things I picked up from exes gone by, he suggested that if I wanted to borrow his guitar while he played but he needed his six string that I could play his seven string which he really doesn't let people do, he buys food a lot but lives far enough away that I'm working off all the calories, he actually comes to see me (we rarely have a day off from each other), and yeah.  We'll stop this now while I still have blog readers that haven't abandoned me because I've turned into a sap.
5) I have a new favourite item of clothing.  It is my hat.  It is brown with a black trim on it and goes with freaking everything, which makes it blissful.  AND it was bought for me :)  It is one of the best birthday presents I have ever had and I got it early :D
6) The psychopath who went to my senior school no longer frightens me, and instead just disgusts me, which is a vast improvement.
8) I have another vintage fair outing planned for June which will involve dressing up and therefore gives me an excuse to go out and buy a vintage dress.
9) I am almost 18, which means I am allowed to go to The Hobbit when Luke and Hannah ask me to go to The Hobbit, which will be wonderful because I miss them the most of anyone who left last year.
10) This list has actually calmed me a considerable amount.
11) There is minty hot chocolate at home.
12) I am going to crochet the ghosts out of Pacman and give them as random feel-better presents the minute I get some decent yarn.

Yes :)  That'll do nicely.
There are also lots of bad things, but they do not need to be focussed on in this sunshine flavoured post.
I have realised that I would quite like to give free hugs to all the librarians, because they are nice but misunderstood.  Misunderstood here meaning that the people who use the library are all noisy and the librarians go SHHHHHH and the noisy people get all pissy, which is not the librarian's fault, it is, after all, A FUCKING LIBRARY YOU NOISY BASTARDS.
I'm done with the shouting.  I think I want to put a picture into my post, as pictures make everyone feel good.  I shall go scouting for one.

There you go.  A happy cactus made of wool.
I am seriously considering creating a pattern for this and making one.
RIGHT.  Sodding off now.  Love to all :) XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Got Sick

For three straight days.
I have been at home for THREE STRAIGHT DAYS.
We're thinking an inner ear infection, because I was puking when I stood up and I still can't really stand up for too long.
I'm starting to get cabin fever, me thinks.
I cried at THIS:
And danced along with THIS:
Save me?
Seriously, if I am not in lesson tomorrow, someone needs to come get me.
I have already instructed the MARVELLOUS boyfriend to come get me, but back up or a plan B is always good to have.
I am listening to the first link on repeat now.
Save. Me.
If I have to watch any more football I will take a flying leap from a bridge.
I also miss EVERYONE.
Even Creepy James.

I just want to get back to college now.
Cabin fever is real, and it is HERE.
Hence the blog post, despite just wanting to crawl into a ball and die because my mother will not cuddle me because DESPITE being convinced it is an ear infection and therefore not catching GOSH NO I am NOT allowed cuddles and no-one else is allowed to come give me cuddles either.

Going to stop being a mopey bitch and leave now.
<3 to ALL

Especially Callum and Anna, who FINALLY got it together.