Blogging away.
*Deep Sigh*
The English trip to France has been cancelled, and I am deeply upset.
I wanted to go to France. I miss speaking the occaisional French to make myself feel like a smarty pants.
AND I really like pain au chocolat, which Joe spelt very wrong in his story about Hitler Pig, but it's okay, because the rest of it was pretty good. It is called Piglet, and you can find it here.
Read it, because it's a fascinating allegory of the World War Number 2, and also it has pigs, which makes any story better. He also has relatively fascinating opinions, so read some of the other stuff he's written too.
Although I feel you should also read A Smack Of Fate, which I co-wrote.
It has Destiny's Child as fairy godmothers, and a scientist called Derek. You should love it.
Something I find frankly infuriating, however, is that people seem to think their college courses are more important than me obtaining pastry!! Je ne comprende pas. Pastry, c'est bon! Especially cinnamon pastry. Speaking of which, cinnamon is VERY good in crumble, but I would recommend making the topping with brown sugar when making apple crumble, as it creates a kind of toffee-ish flavour, which very much complements the apple and improves the crumble on the whole. I may make another, with plums, tonight, if my dad can get off his arse and get some plums. And some shoelaces. White ones would be nice. But I doubt that will compute, so my converses may look a little funky tomorrow.
Thinking about crumble is making me hungry. Not great when I have "Lunch Surprise"! It's not that it's a particularly scary thing or anything. It's just that I don't know what it is, which is less than satisfactory.
Here is a picture of a cinnamon swirl:
They are ludicrously yummy.
If a cinnamon swirl is a new thing to you, then I would recommend going forth into a baker's and buying one, as your culinary adventure is not complete without one.
Okay, now I'm REALLY hungry.
Really, really, stupidly awfully hungry.
And I'm going to have to spend my last quid on pastries at lunch.
Stupid pastry craving.
Well, what can I tell you about my weekend.
My cousin got married.
I drank more in a night than I do in a year.
Danced ONCE to Cotton Eyed Joe. Which I will now get stuck in my head.
I ate turkey. I don't regret it, it was that or nutloaf, and it is a MYTH that all vegetarians like that shit.
I got invited to stay by ALL of my older cousins (some with less crowded houses than others. For example, where Dave and Farah and Karen and Shaun are little duo units, Alan and Chae have four kids.).
The pope also visited, but not us. Mainly probably because my family are protestant if anything, and mainly not religious. I'll be honest, I goldfished all the hymns and cracked jokes in my head throughout most of the service. "God may not be visible, but he is all around us" "IF I CAN'T SEE HIM, HE'S NOT THERE".
I'm ashamed of me too.
Yes, I'm going to hell.
But hey.
They'll have invented immortality by the time I get old enough to kick the bucket.
Pastry :(
And, actually, just general food would be nice.
38 minutes til lunch.
I could write some of my VAGUELY erotic pirate story. (Can you blame me? Really?)
If the feeling takes me, I could write for hours.
The only feeling I have at the moment is "PASTRY"
33 minutes to go.
Trying to renew my library books.
Sadly, the internet at college is beyond a pisstake.
More than likely because there are about fifty people in here trying to log on, plus all the apple macs in the musicy bit, plus any number of other stuff.
And apparently I need to go pick up the great gatsby.
I don't want to.
I got about five pages in and nearly died of boredom.
It's actually mostly pirate books I have.
Okay, mostly research.
Not that there are that many pretty pirates in there anywho.
Okay, everything is now due on the 21st of October.
Should probably get reading them.
Want food :(
Looking forward to next Thursday, where I have to come into school for fifteen minutes only.
I fully intend to go out and spend my ema.
Probably on food.
Maybe I will ask Aaron, who has a blog here if he would like to go to Yo Sushi the monday after next instead, because I will have ema then too.
In defence of my eating habits, sushi might be raw fish, but actually it's rather yum, and you can get veggie stuff and chickeny stuff and beefy stuff too. And puddings! They have really nice little glutinous parcels. Mmmmmmmm.
Sadly, with the internet so rubbish here, I cannot load it up to check the policies on Blue Mondays.
I really need to get a decent student ID, too. Mine does NOT qualify me for discounts, which sucks cock.
Hmm, hello.
Is that extra discount I see??
Ends today.
Signing off this now, because I'm being repetitive and dull.
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