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Monday, December 6, 2010

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1989 Test

1.    Who was the General Secretary of the USSR in 1981?      

    Name the free Trade Union in Poland      Solidarity

In the early 1980’s who was in charge in

    East Germany          Willi Stoph

    Hungary         János Kádár

    Poland          Henryk Jablonski

    Czechoslovakia      Husak

    Romania         Nicolae Ceauşescu

2. Who became leader of the USSR in March 1985?    Gorbachev

Name the three policies he introduced and give the English meaning of each:

(i)Peresrtoika    means     political reform
(ii) Glasnost        means openness       

(iii)    DEmocracy        means open vote multi party leadership       

3. Give a word which describes the major changes the new leader ordered in foreign policy

    Give three examples of these in different countries

    (i)     West Germany

    (ii)    USA

    (iii)    Britain

4. What was so significant for Eastern Europe about the Soviet leaders speech to the UN in New York in December 1988?

Meant that they could forge their own paths away from communism with removal of Soviet troops.

The leaders of which two countries responded very positively to the changes in the USSR?

    Poland and Hungary

The leaders of which three main countries failed to respond at all to the changes in the USSR?

    Czechoslovakia, Romania and Bulgaria

5. What could ordinary people of E Europe see happening by the spring of 1989?

Soviet troops began to go home
    What happened in the USSR in March 1989?   

    What important political decision was taken in Hungry in early 1989?

Decided to take down the iron curtain.

    What was legalised in Poland in the spring of 1989?


6. What ceremony took place in Budapest in June 1989?

Reburial of Imre Nagy

    What was the result of elections in Poland in June 1989?

1/3 communist, 1/3 other coalition parties.

    How did the old style Communist government in Poland come to an end?

Communists lost elections, asked Solidarity man to make a government, he did so.

7. In the summer of 1989, what did E German tourists discover they could do?
Get through Berlin Wall fairly freely.

What did the E German government do about this situation by the end of summer 1989?
Let them knock the wall all the way down.

Why did E German tourists camp in the grounds of the West German embassies in Budapest  (Hungry) and later in Prague (Czechoslovakia)?

Objected to GDR.
When the E German government gave permission for these people to go to W Germany, why did it insist that they must travel by train VIA E Germany?

Name two German cities where there were peaceful demonstrations in September and October 1989:


8. On October 9 1989 the E German authorities came within 20 minutes of doing what to the demonstrators in Leipzig?

    Who became the new leader of E Germany in late October 1989?

Hans  Modrow
What in early November 1989 did the new E German government do about E German citizens travelling abroad?

    What did the E German people do about this?

Explain the muddle that led to the opening of the Berlin Wall in the late evening of November 9 1989?

Radio show with leader who said they could tear it down.

How did the old-style Communist government of East Germany come to an end?
Because communism was always doomed to fail.

9. What was the Velvet revolution in Czechoslovakia?

The Velvet Revolution or Gentle Revolution (November 17 – December 29, 1989) was a non-violent revolution in Czechoslovakia that saw the overthrow of the communist government.
    Name two leaders who emerged:

Havel and Dubcek

    How did the old-style Communist government of Czechoslovakia come to an end?

The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia announced on November 28 that it would relinquish power and dismantle the single-party state.

10. In October 1989 the Soviet leader and the US president met in the Mediterranean and declared:

    This was dubbed by the world’s press:

11.  What happened in Romania?

A week-long series of fights and riots which got increasingly violent     What was the army called on to do?

Spray tear gas and hoses.

    What did the army do after a few hours?

Began to shoot at them

    How did the old-style Communist government of Romania come to an end?

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