Why Am I Doing A Blog?

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dear Ex.

Etsy sends you an email when someone sends you a message.
Since I now know you read the blog, I may as well chuck this out there.
The whole point of my blocking you on FB and contemplating having your number blocked (yeah, I am thinking about that) is because you have to stop contacting me now.
I don't hate you.  We were together for two and a half years, and I know that you broke up with me because you thought it was for the best.
But I meant it when I told you that we weren't ever going to get back together if you broke up with me for the second time.  And now, everytime you do contact me, it breaks my heart a little bit.  Especially just now.
We both need to move on with our lives, because, like I said, I meant it when I said we weren't ever getting back together. I rarely even give blokes second chances; third ones are completely beyond me.
I think that what we both need is a completely clean break from each other.  So long as we stop contacting each other it should be pretty easy, we don't really have the same circle of friends at all.  It's not because I hate you, but more for basically the same reasons you gave for deleting me from FB.  It's a mix of wanting to cry and wanting to punch you in your stupid face, but until the message you sent on Etsy everytime you sent me a message I got a bit more angry.  So stop it.   Because I don't want to have any feelings at ALL about our relationship apart from "It was nice while it lasted" rather than "It was nice while it lasted, but now I want to set Wendi on you."
I'm not going to write about my moving on in this blog post.  But I'm going to in other ones.  We both know who I've been talking about, and I promise you that when I said I'd got over it before, while we were still together, that I wasn't lying.  I had got over it, but now it's come back.  So please, stop reading this blog after this post, because I know there are things you aren't going to like in here and I'd like to prevent resentment on either side of this.
I don't really know what else there is to say about this, apart from that I'd really really appreciate it if you did as I asked before and stopped contacting me.  I don't know if I'm ever going to contact you, but I'd like to think that if I did it could be because I'd forgiven you, rather than because I'm having to get your number blocked.  I'm going to carry on with my life and try and be happy now, and I'd like it if you could try too.

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