But first, an apology.
I abandoned you again.
My bad. Damn busy week.
Four bits of coursework is deeply unfair.
Apparently, an awful lot of people read this now.
It's mildly scary.
Especially when they start following you on Twitter, adding you on FB etc.
Anyone can follow me on Twitter, I do not mind so much about the Twitter.
But I'm oddly purist about my Facebook.
I only have people on there that I like, talk to or feel like stalking.
This does not stretch to people I have never even met.
What would even be the point?
I don't even have all of my family members on Facebook.
Mostly because I swear a lot, and I am still trying to pass off that I'm all innocent and the like.
Anyway, if you're going to read the blog, do me a favour and don't be bitchy about it, or I'll get someone to teach me how to make this shit private. Pseudonyms should NOT be carried over to real-life situations. What's the bloody point if you know it?
There must BE a way.
I discussed with my mother (via text, as most of our serious conversations are) what would happen if both her and Dad suddenly died.
This is not because I am plotting their demise, as my father is maintaining.
This is because Sarah got me thinking about it.
Her parents have a will.
Mine do not.
I categorically object.
Not for my sake, obviously. I am 18 in roughly four months, and therefore can take care of myself to some degree. I can just about work a washing machine, I know what bacon looks like when it is cooked (should be pink, opaque, and (in my opinion) should be a bit burnt so that it's all salty and yum), I can iron and do general housewifey things, I can get myself out of the house in the morning etc.
I am concerned for my brother.
He is 12.
Thinking about it, had they had some kind of horrific accident in previous years, we'd have been fucked.
Having discussed it with my mother, the apparent plan was that we go to my auntie and uncle who live about an hour away.
Uhm, no.
I love them dearly, I do, but they have two kids of their own, and my brother is on the Autistic Spectrum.
I can see, obviously, that this was the best plan up until now, as we couldn't jolly well have been left on our own to cope, and if they were in a horrific accident, we were going to take on my cousins in the same way.
I don't like it, though.
Not now I am very nearly almost a grown up (gulp).
In four months time, I can legally look after him for myself, I think.
And I would much prefer this.
The mortgage on the house is now paid off, so we wouldn't have to worry about that, Boo would not have to leave the house he grew up in, we'd be closer to Grannie, he wouldn't have to leave his only friend, and it would just be easier. I know him. I know what he's like. I can cook a meal he will eat with few complaints.
Boo is pleased by the concept of me keeping him.
He has requested that I mix tuna with salad cream.
This, amusingly, is his only condition.
I have requested that he not leave Lego all over the floor, or failing this, leave it all over the floor in only one room that I do not have to go into.
Think we will get along fine if our parents die.
Which I do hope they won't.
I do actually like them.
It makes me feel better, however, that I now have a plan for if they do suddenly die.
Having had my future plan sodded up by the ex dumping me and the college telling me I shouldn't be a teacher, I like having SOME kind of plan.
Even if it is purely hypothetical and won't ever be needed.
It's just nice that it's there.
I'm going to make this blog private. Over opinionated, fat-head females who can't seem to separate what CAN be said in front of everyone at college and what CANNOT be said in front of everyone at college make my life difficult.
Or, indeed, what is Devil's advocation and what is just being contradictory.
Stupid bitches.
This a mouse Erin drew on her work in History (hence the Mein Kampf reference). I actually love it.
I'm going to leave you with this now, with a promise that I will blog more as my coursework load lessens.
This is not going to be soon.
3 pieces for Film, two for English, two for History.
Only one of these is finished to any degree.
All my loves, as ever XXXXXXXX
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