Why Am I Doing A Blog?

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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good morning world :D

So it's been a while since we had a chat.  How are you?  Did that thing you had to do end up going well?  Let me know!
I had the best piece of post EVER this week.
And I mean ever.
It wasn't what the post contained that was so good either.  Because actually, the envelope was empty.
But that didn't matter.
The envelope was the most beautiful envelope on the planet.
By now, I'm probably sounding a little bit like a freakish freak with an envelope fetish.
I'm not.
I promise.
My boyfriend's big brother is going a project at uni involving mail art.
SEE? Not a freak.
Okay, not a freak over envelopes.
I had previously mentioned that I rather liked what Ed was doing with his work to Harry.
So, for our two year anniversary, Harry got Ed to make me some mail art and send it to me so it got there in time.
Now, I can't show you the picture here, because the stupid college computers have Facebook blocked on them, and I don't have my camera or my camera lead on me.
But trust me.
RidUNKulously pretty.
So pretty it's in a frame waiting for my dad to bring me picture hooks for my wall.
It has a tiny rubik's cube hidden in it, not unlike the one he wrote the address on, scrambled up, and sent off to see what the royal mail would make of it.
Pissing awesome, if you ask me.
Here it is!
He's very good at what he does!
Go and give him work.  He deserves it.
And I don't want him to have to live off baked beans out of the tin.

Should I feel insulted that my mother has bought me jeans on the basis of them looking "generous" in the size department?
I'm thinking yes.
She is also sending me lots and lots of one sentence emails, all at the same time.

On a more positive note, people like my shirt today :D
This is good, because it is a man's shirt, and the colour of a tartan rainbow.
I had not realised rainbows could be tartan until I found this shirt.
One person said that she could watch it all lesson.
In my head, I informed her I wasn't a fucking hypnotoad.

Having looked up the hypnotoad, I accidentally spent about five minutes staring at it's eyes.
I worry for my own safety.

Last time, I introduced you to various good cartoons.
If you don't know what this is, FOR SHAME.

We get our january exam results on my birthday, which happens to coincide with this thursday.
Am tempted not to open them.
At all.
Just take em home, then open them at midnight.


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