I'm okay with women parading around in very little so that a panel of people can decide whether or not they're the most beautiful girl in the world.
That's fine by me, it's their lives and if they have the confidence to go out there in a bikini and high heels and be judged in front of the entire world, good on them, they have more balls than I do.
It's the name of the competition that irks me.
They cannot POSSIBLY decided who is the most beautiful woman in the universe because we are not one hundred percent sure there aren't any aliens yet.
And so, since 1953, it has been entirely possible that the results are incorrect.
Miss World, by all means.
Miss Earth, sure.
Miss Whatever-It-Is-We-Scientifically-Call-Our-Solar-System, most certainly.
However, Miss Universe is just narrowing our thoughts on whether or not there are aliens, and whether or not these aliens are beautiful.
Which is why Miss Universe should at least be renamed to something a little more accurate.
And, if we are to include the entire universe within our search for the most beautiful, surely we should also include judges from other planets, galaxies etc, and reassess our views on what is truly beautiful.
Let's say that aliens looked like this:
Who are we to say this is not beautiful?
By their own definitions, this could be the most beautiful woman on the planet.
We, however, could look at her and recoil in fear (admittedly, she was kind of a vampire, which doesn't help, but hey, who's to judge?)
So, to make Miss Universe truly universal, our entire perspective must dramatically change.
Green and scaly can be beautiful.
The current advances in space travel have not gone far enough to allow us to truly dictate what is most beautiful. There may be a race somewhere in the universe with Veela like qualities.
(For those of you who are sadly lacking in HP knowledge http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Veela) These may be the women who, even if via mystical powers, are the most beautiful, a lot like sirens in Greek mythology.
And who says magical powers are cheating, anyway?
It's a bit like plastic surgery. Massive tits are, of course, equivalent to massive power.
Or a bit like dyeing your hair. A nicer, better suited colour can completely change how you look.
Therefore, Veela should be allowed in. Providing they don't then get all angry and throw fire around. That should probably be outlawed, though their talent could be fire juggling... I suppose that one's a bit of a minefield. Possibly outlaw using fire to intentionally harm.
Fire juggling would be SO cool.
Or hot, as the case may be.
Like juggling balls, or batons, but so much more dangerous, and therefore with a lot more appeal to the pyromaniac within me.
So yeah. Veela :D
Found a really pretty picture of a Veela that I wanted to stick on here but the computer wouldn't let me.
Veela I think are actually proper mystical creatures rather than an invention of JK Rowling.
According to Wiki, they are.
Slavic fairies. Power over storms, send them down on travelers.
Apparently, she-devil redirects there.
It should probably be less fascinating, and reading the whole page is probably bad but meh.
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