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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Darling Bloggers

I'm not really in a very bloggy mood. Yet I feel an obligation to give you some kind of ranty post about my day.
Pregnant girl has started ignoring myself and Sarah.
Can't say I feel a great loss.
To be fair, she'd begun to annoy anyway.  The pregnancy was a bit "final nail in the coffin".
A good friend's ex winked at me today.  Now, there are certain men who can carry such a thing off with aplomb.  These are men such as Stephen Fry and Joe.  Have I mentioned Joe yet? Joe's cool.  Think I have a picture somewhere...

It is apparently on my upstairs computer.  I'll deal with it later.
The particular fella that winked at me, however, can absolutely NOT carry it off.
It was frightening.
Joe's started off being frightening, but it's sort of okay now.  It's his nature.
This guy's is not.  It's creepy, and not helped by the fact that he remains my friend's ex.
Just. No.
Winking is for scheming, gay men, and people missing an eyelid.
NOT passing people in corridors.
Trying to learn how to play The Show on my guitar.  Not easy.
I would like to draw your attention, darlings, to three lovely people.

Katie, who blogs here.

Hanna, here.  Be warned about her though, she does stuff like say ensnail instead of ensnare, and boils eggs for 45 minutes.

And Lukey, who is new to the whole blogging extravaganza, who is here.

More about Hanna.  Having said ensnail, we thought we'd fuck with her a little, and mention snails a hell of a lot.

Yeahh not so bad, just did a hard evenings work getting paid to watch someone elses tv and eat their food

I love baby sitting, I used to do it but the kid always ate snails :S
Snails are so annoying


I mean snails... what is the point in snails?

Weird question, trying to learn a wee bit of Spanish
[Hanna Rose Williams]
Snails in Spanish?
[Hanna Rose Williams]
caracol. and fuck you
news travels fast
XD <3<3
[Hanna Rose Williams]
ill say what i have said to everyone else. I THOUGHT IT WAS A WORD
I love you.

I had to stop there, but I wish I could do more.

Had to get the last few bits in.

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