I'm tempted to make this a weekly thing now, so that it doesn't look like I am just lazy and neglectful of my beautiful followers, who I love.
All of whom I love, because I GET TO PICK THEM NOW :D
Fuck yes.
May be appreciative of Tom FOREVER for this.
Maybe not forever.
He's a bit of a knob most of the time.
Anyway, I have now had to re-privatise my Twitter.
No, not because ludicrous Ex continues to stalk.
He may well be ATTEMPTING to stalk, but he's not getting anywhere, because I have now privatised EVERYTHING except my Bebo, which I still have because I'll then be ahead of the game when everyone goes all ironic and attempts to reclaim their childhood by rejoining it.
Or it will be considered retro.
Haven't decided yet.
Anyway, I had to re-privatise my Twitter because an entire Politics class took the piss without my even being there.
I don't even fucking take Politics.
Cheers guys.
I have also blocked a girl who tried to add me on Facebook and is following me on Twitter AND taking the piss out of both my Twitter and my blog despite the fact that I HAVE NEVER SEEN HER BEFORE IN MY LIFE.
She also has a ridiculous name.
I used to have a friend who named her cat that to be cruel.
She was a bitch too.
Tbh, five out of six of the friends that I had at the end of year 6 turned out to be psychotic bitches.
And then there was Katie.
I am re-reading, also, the memoirs of one Caitlin Moran.
She is a strident feminist.
I am re-reading her because she is entertaining and I am trying to become a better feminist.
I am FAR too easily bought with compliments. Especially compliments from men.
Bloody men.
To be honest, and slightly controversial, I think the concept of feminism has evolved into something I don't like.
Caitlin Moran is still cool.
But what are we actually fighting about anymore?
Yes, we are still paid unequally, yes, there is still sexism in the average job, yes, we should be allowed to do EVERYTHING. We should be able to be astronauts and politicians and rocket scientists.
But you know what we should also be allowed to be?
(Yes, okay, militant feminists, this is not what you want to hear. But hear me out.)
The trouble with modern feminism is that it expects us to do everything all at once.
Each individual woman must be able to change a tire, breast feed and send work emails all at the same time, whilst baking a cake and having dinner on the table for when her partner gets home.
I agree more with the concept of equality. Yes, I think that women should be able to go out and have a career, but I also think they should be allowed to stay at home and have babies and provide a nice home environment for a man IF THAT IS WHAT SHE WANTS TO DO.
Equally, if a man wants to go out and have a career, this is fine.
He should also be allowed to stay at home and look after babies and have dinner on the table for when HIS partner gets home and not have to deal with being labelled a social deviant. He should not be labelled as a freak or effeminate if it is more convenient or actually a more palatable choice for him to stay at home.
When I was in school, particularly infant and junior, there was ONE stay-at-home dad. According to my ma, once my little brother started school, there were three or four.
There should be MORE OF THEM.
Staying at home and looking after children should not be frowned upon for anyone. If you're GOING to bring a baby into this world, fucking well look after it.
I think I'm losing track of my point again.
What I'm trying to say is that the original point of feminism was that we had a choice.
The whole POINT of the suffragists and the suffragettes was that we could make our own damn decisions and not have our husbands decide on who we voted for.
Perhaps now the point of feminism should be that we aren't going to let society dictate our choices. Because feminism is starting to backfire.
If I have babies, I fully intend upon staying at home to look after them, and writing fiction in their naptimes, and when they go off to nursery and playgroup and stuff, or letting my partner do that.
Without the writing fiction.
Whilst I do seriously respect mothers that CAN juggle ALL the stuff at once, because they seem to be super-women, not every woman can do it. Not every man can either.
Definitely lost the point now.
To conclude, feminism should go back to equality and step away from female supremacy. Supremacy clearly didn't work for the men, why should it work any better for us?
Not saying that men are any better. We are EQUAL. It's the whole bloody point.
Yeah, I completely lost it.
My week has been a bit mixed, by the by. My cat died :(
He was cute, but really really old.
Not getting a new pet, still have Stuey, who is adorable but farts too much.
I'm going to go and watch QI now. Love for all.
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