Why Am I Doing A Blog?

Please feed the fish.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Matt PRACTICALLY dared me to write a blog instead of doing coursework

To be completely honest, I know exactly what I'm doing for it so it doesn't really matter.

I have noticed, as the last year and a bit has worn on, that I have started to find the various youth subcultures cute rather than frightening, which is a pleasant change.
Chavs are still intimidating, don't get me wrong, but it's nice to know that in a few years time when they grow out of it and become proper grown ups, they are going to have pictures of themselves as teenagers looking like oompa loompas and because of their excessive photo taking and addiction to Facebook, these pictures of them looking like oompa loompas will be ALL OVER THE INTERNET.
Oh the bliss.
There will, no doubt, be pictures of me I also regret.
There are several that I know of already, and may post at a later date.
They regularly involve my poor facial skincare regime.
But anyway.
They will forever have Internet evidence of how slaggy, socially inept and generally detestable they are.
Oh, does it ever make me giggle.
But I have started to find goths and emos slightly adorable as well.
They just ARE.
Like a friend of mine who has a glam rock band.
He frequently wears tartan skinny trousers with big patches of denim up and down them.
It's a bit adorable.
Again, he may later in life seriously regret these trousers, but right now he loves them.
And for that I respect him.
It is possible for me to reject him from my group of nice people (Not like throw him out or anything, the group of nice people is purely within my mind. Like an inner circle. Anyway.) on the grounds that his trousers are loud and a bit daft.
He's actually really very nice.
He is within that subculture of youth that are actually doing something with their lives rather than hanging around in a park drinking some cheap cider that they got an older sibling with few morals to buy for them.
Personally, if I wanted booze, I would probably go via either my manager or the people I hang around with who are 18 and beyond.
I wouldn't be all stupid and give my money to a random stranger on the street to buy them booze.
My ex was frequently approached by 13 and 14 year olds to buy them booze because he looks about 40.  He's not, he's 17, but ya know.
I believe he ran off with the money once or twice.
Just to prove a point.
It continues to amuse me, despite the fact that he is now a cock.
He sent me another email.
Essentially, he wants contact.
Uhm, no.
Having discussed it with his mate (in a slightly heated manner because I was a bit accusatory and sort of bitchy but I was quite upset!!), he does not just want contact.
It's not really the point though.
He could just leave me alone, and that would be lovely.
I'm quite keen on the idea of NEVER HEARING FROM HIM AGAIN.
It would be lovely.
But yes.  Goths are adorbz because of all the makeup and the occasional blue hair streak.
Sully knows a goth.
She's pretty cool.
I had a migraine dream about her, so we'll actually be better leaving it there.

I'm essentially cheating on my film coursework. 
We're supposed to come up with an original idea.
I'm just using the novel I'm writing.
It's easier.

Speaking of which, that is what I am going to go and do.
I still have Sweet Child O' Mine stuck in my head though.
Must deal with that later.
Muchos amore <3

1 comment:

  1. One of said pictures being my birthday with your ass hanging out?
