Why Am I Doing A Blog?

Please feed the fish.

Friday, March 2, 2012

I Have Lost My Memory Stick

Which is so far beyond irritating it is ludicrous.  And I can't really leave to go find it.
I am therefore going to sit here and write a blog because fuck it, I've been getting into the habit of doing blogs and I see no reason to stop now.
There is literally an app for everything now.
It's not a proper, official app, I don't think, but nice Carl has made my blog into an app on his fancy phone and there's a photo on Facebook but the college computers have it blocked still. 
Well, unless I want to download Firefox or Chrome and use that instead.
I think it says a lot about my college that we are still stuck with Internet Explorer.
I'm really quite fond of my Firefox.  It has a nice koi pattern on it and lots of saved tabs that involve Facebook and Twitter.
Firefox also lets you have an internet history.
For no apparent good reason, the college computers do not save your internet history.  NONE of it.
It lets you click the back button as many times as you want, but if you shut the tab you're buggered.

I have taken once more to wearing sunglasses in an attempt to make the sunshine come out. 
They are currently perched atop my head and snuggled into the ginge.
I think (think) that they are black with yellow and green flowers and a little bit Raybans style.  The best thing about them of all, however, is that they did not cost me, as Raybans do, £102.  They cost me a quid from Primark.  And this makes me a very happy bunny.

I just Googled "happy bunny" to find you a good picture of a happy bunny, and it came up with stuff like this.

I feel this should be a mantra for life.
It is much like the list myself and Sarah have come up with for the day of the revolution, when we take over and shoot all those who have pissed us off.
Most of our exes are on that list.  Apart from Mitch, who's a bit harmless. 
Apart from that, it consists of my maternal grandmother, Dakota Fanning, and the vast majority of Bitterne Park School.
People this does not include:
  • Aaron
  • Sully
  • Lula
  • Skinner
  • Ross
  • Rosie
  • Katie
  • ... Uhm...
The problem with the list of people from BPS (NOT the British Psychological Society, they are far more tolerable) that I don't want to kill is that I wanted to harm so many of them that I've repressed a great deal of the memories that were made there.
Stuff like being a prefect, chairs being chucked across the room in maths and that one assembly where the headteacher essentially blamed us for the murder of Rhys Jones back in about 2007.

I'll write more on that in a minute.  I opened the Happy Bunny website in a new tab, and there are e-cards. 
Stuff like "roses are red, violets are blue, your butt's funny looking, but I think you'll do"
Totally sending these.

It is definitely a little sad that I just spent ten minutes of my life sending slightly abusive e-cards to people.

Anyway, my school was very very shit, and I am therefore going to cheer myself up by looking up crochet patterns and posting amusing pictures of happy bunnies.

I am now just posting pictures that make me happy.  And shall continue until I am in a state of pictoral bliss.

I may have a bit of a girl crush on Sophia Myles.  Perhaps now a selections of photos of women I have girl crushes on.

Mary Elizabeth Winstead

Christina Hendricks

Caitlin Moran

Helena Bonham Carter

Gail Carriger

Rachel McAdams as Irene Adler
But also
Lara Pulver as Irene Adler
I'm not entirely sure which interpretation of the woman I love most.
Thinking of girl crushes under the pressure of blog writing makes it a lot more difficult.  It is slowly going to turn into a list of women I would cheerfully bang.
Such as
Florenc Welch
Back more to women I admire or have girl crushes on.
Nerina Pallot
Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing, played by Emma Thompson
But also just
Emma Thompson
Gemma Arterton
And car boot sales

And best of all, vintage fairs.

I feel like I should probably leave you alone now and go scavenge some foods from somewhere.  I have, once again, forgotten everything except the stuff necessary for my lessons.  I therefore have no lunch and I'm starting to wonder about my keys.
Anyone, love to everyone :)

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