Why Am I Doing A Blog?

Please feed the fish.

Monday, March 26, 2012


This is going to be partly in response to Carl, and partly in response to how I now have a job.
Beginning with Carl.
I am apparently not allowed to wear "loud" clothes to his engagement party.
What, am I supposed to go naked??
Now, I realise that this is so that I don't frighten his fianceƩ and instead get along with her.


My brain seems to have taken this as a challenge and I am considering going all out and wearing something rainbow.
Properly rainbow.

Don't let me dress loudly, indeed.
I shall wear what I want!
And quite frankly, anyone who doesn't like it can go to hell.
I will either dress with as many colours as I possibly can, covered in jewellry and whatever else including my grannie-on-crack shawl
Go as a mime.

I said this to Sarah, and she is unimpressed and SUCKING THE FUN OUT OF EVERYTHING.

Maddy: I'm writing a blog about how I have taken "don't dress loudly" as a challenge.
Sarah: right, what are you saying?
Maddy: That I am either going to wear as many colours as possible or go as a mime. 
Sarah: ¬¬    you do not take it as a challenge
Maddy :^_^
Sarah: you will be dignified
Maddy: Rainbows can be dignified... 
Sarah: maddy.   for once be normal XD
Maddy: Mimes are very dignified. NO. NEVERRRRRRRRR
Sarah: ¬¬
To be fair, I was going to be fairly dignified anyway, ya know, not show him up too much.
Now it's a challenge.
Silly people.
Never try to restrict my dressing.  Things will get messy.
 There has only been one time when I have ever showed up to something dressed in an embarrassing way, and that was humiliating for me and comedic for everyone else, so yeah.

I could get a hat...
A little pillbox hat with a veil.

I apparently need to make a good impression.
I do not see how this is based on my dress sense.

I'll have to post about job later, time for dins. XXXXXXX

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