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Thursday, March 29, 2012

A Short, But Hilarious, Blog Post

I just had this conversation (slightly condensed for easier understanding) with that nice man I keep kissing.

Me: I want this http://wedinator.icanhascheezburger.com/2012/03/25/funny-wedding-photos-special-guests/
Ellie: that Queen thing is amazing and adorable =L
Me: I KNOW :D  Can we hAS?
Ellie: we can has. if, when we marry, king phillip likes metal
Me: PRINCE Phillip
Ellie: he'll be king then
Me: ...  No he won't.  Why would he be king then? You reasoning behind this is required.
Ellie: queen dies, her son takes over
Me: -facepalm- Phillip is her husband.
Ellie: her son is....
Me: Charles.
Ellie: charsles  shit. =L
Me: I fucking love you.
Ellie: well, it aint my fam =P

I feel the need to make an informative post on such a subject.


Queen's Son

Queen's Husband
Future King

WILL NEVER BE KING (Probably also doesn't like metal)
Lesson concluded.

1 comment:

  1. Phillip is'nt a prince, he's a duke...
    call it one-all, fool.
